System Information Commands
df: The df command displays filesystem disk space usage for all mounted partitions. "df -h" is probably the most useful - it uses megabytes (M) and gigabytes (G) instead of blocks to report. (-h means "human-readable")
du: The du command displays the disk usage for a directory. It can either display the space used for all subdirectories or the total for the directory you run it on. Example:
user@users-desktop:~$ du /media/floppy 1032 /media/floppy/files 1036 /media/floppy/ user@users-desktop:~$ du -sh /media/floppy 1.1M /media/floppy/
-s means "Summary" and -h means "Human Readable"
free: The free command displays the amount of free and used memory in the system. "free -m" will give the information using megabytes, which is probably most useful for current computers.
top: The top command displays information on your Linux system, running processes and system resources, including CPU, RAM & swap usage and total number of tasks being run. To exit top, press"q".
uname -a: The uname command with the -a option prints all system information, including machine name, kernel name & version, and a few other details. Most useful for checking which kernel you're using.
lsb_release -a: The lsb_release command with the -a option prints version information for the Linux release you're running, for example:
~$ smbclient -L -U%
For mounting a file in network
dbott@gutsy:~$ sudo mount -t cifs // /home/dbott/Music -o iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
very nice and Informative, preparing for linux Certification, wanted to learn some linux Commands,recently joined in, can anyone suggest me some books and videos.