Wednesday, August 19, 2009

DCP package creator -Manuals

install asdcp-lib
install open cinema tools
open cinema tools might not work
compile by
g++ mkmap.cpp -o ../bin/mkmap -lm -lopenjpeg -lexpat -lasdcp -lkumu -lcrypto -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
g++ mkpkl.cpp -o ../bin/mkpkld -lm -lopenjpeg -lexpat -lasdcp -lkumu -lcrypto -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64

procedure to create mfx

create j2k images ...........
image_to_j2k -cinema2K 24 -ImgDir /home/icts/jp2k -OutFor j2c

asdcp-test -L -c dcp/movie.jp2k.mxf jp2k

asdcp-test -L -c dcp/movie.pcm.mxf sound\chan_00_L.wav sound\chan_01_R.wav sound\chan_02_C.wav sound\chan_03_LFE.wav sound\chan_04_LS.wav sound\chan_05_RS.wav

create cpl .........................

dcp$ mkcpl --kind feature --title "my movie" movie.jp2k.mxf >movie.cpl.xml

create pkl
mkpkl movie.jp2k.mxf movie.pcm.mxf movie.cpl.xml > movie.pkl.xml

create asset map
mkmap movie.jp2k.mxf movie.pcm.mxf movie.cpl.xml movie.pkl.xml


MAN page of mkcpl


mkcpl - Create a composition playlist


mkcpl --kind contentkind --title "title" picture.mxf sound.mxf [picture2.mxf sound2.mxf...]

mkcpl --kind contentkind --title "title" [--annotation "annotation"] [--issuer "issuer"] picture.mxf sound.mxf

mkcpl --kind contentkind --title "title" [--ratio "aspectratio"] picture.mxf sound.mxf

mkcpl --kind contentkind --title "title" [--versionid uid] [--versionlabel label] picture.mxf sound.mxf

mkcpl --kind contentkind --title "title" [--rating agency label] picture.mxf sound.mxf

mkcpl --kind contentkind --title "title" [--norating] picture.mxf sound.mxf

mkcpl [-h | --help] [-V | --version]


Creates a composition playlist displayed on the standard output. You need to redirect the output to create a file. See examples below.


-h | --help

Show help

-V | --version

Show version information

--kind contentkind

Content kind. Could be one of the following: feature, trailer, test, teaser, rating, advertisement, short, transitional, psa, policy

--title "title"

Content title.

--annotation "annotation"

Annotation text

--issuer "issuer"

Issuer name

--ratio "aspectratio" Aspect ratio. Default is taken from the asset. This option is to override the asset aspect ratio.

--versionid uid Version UID. Default generates a new id.

--versionlabel label

Version label. Default is the versionid.

--rating agency label

Defines a rating agency and label. Default is --rating G


Removes the default rating.


mkcpl has the following return code:

0 Success

other return codes need to be added here


Single reel feature with default rating

mkcpl --kind feature --title "my movie" mypicture.mxf mysound.mxf > mymoviecompo.cpl.xml

Single reel test with no rating

mkcpl --kind test --title "my test" -norating mypicture.mxf mysound.mxf > mytestcompo.cpl.xml

Single reel feature with a PG-13 rating

mkcpl --kind feature --title "my movie" --rating PG-13 mypicture.mxf mysound.mxf > mymoviecompo.cpl.xml

Multi reel feature

The 3 examples have the same results. The picture/sound order doesn't matter.
The mkcpl application associates the first picture in the list with the first sound in the list and so on.

mkcpl --kind feature --title "my movie" mypicture-1.mxf mysound-1.mxf mypicture-2.mxf mysound-2.mxf > mymoviecompo.cpl.xml

mkcpl --kind feature --title "my movie" mysound-1.mxf mypicture-1.mxf mypicture-2.mxf mysound-2.mxf > mymoviecompo.cpl.xml

mkcpl --kind feature --title "my movie" mypicture-1.mxf mypicture-2.mxf mysound-1.mxf mysound-2.mxf > mymoviecompo.cpl.xml

MAN page of mkmap


mkmap - Create an asset map


mkmap file[file...]

mkmap [--annotation "annotation"] [--issuer "issuer"] file[file...]

mkmap[-h | --help] [-V | --version]


Creates ASSETMAP and VOLINDEX files in the current directory. The files that can be added to the asset map are .mxf(picture or sound), composition playlists and packing lists You can add as many files as you want if they are of the previously described types.


-h | --help

Show help

-V | --version

Show version information

--annotation "annotation"

Annotation text

--issuer "issuer"

Issuer name


mkpkl has the following return code:

0 Success

other return codes need to be added here


Simple asset map

mkmap mypicture.mxf mysound.mxf mymoviecompo.cpl.xml mymoviepackage.pkl.xml

Asset map with issuer and annotation text

mkmap --issuer "me" --annotation "an annotation" mypicture.mxf mysound.mxf mymoviecompo.cpl.xml mymoviepackage.pkl.xml

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